Project Archive
Nationwide Transfer Project
(Interkulturelle Netzwerke – Bildungsbeauftragte für junge Menschen!)
In the nationwide transfer project, representatives of federal and state as well as regional educational institutions and authorities should be supported and advised on the implementation of the (inter) cultural mainstreaming approach or on the possibilities of involving migrant organizations. The aim is to strengthen, through intercultural networks, the educational integration of young adults with an immigration history in the area of school-to-vocational training transition, as well as in catching up with post-qualification qualifications.
To date, 82 volunteer education officers have been won in eight federal states and at eleven project locations (Augsburg, Bielefeld, Berlin, Delmenhorst, Hamburg, Hanover, Kaiserslautern, Kassel, Kiel, Cologne and Mainz).
MOZAIK gGmbH coordinates the nationwide transfer project. Its tasks include the intercultural project consulting and support of education policy actors, the organization and implementation of seminars or Qualifications regional or nationwide workshops and nationwide symposia, the analysis and publication of the project results as well as the migration-sensitive press and public relations work.
Period: 2013 - End of 2016
(Interkulturelle Öffnung und Kompetenzentwicklung von Migrantenorganisationen zur Durchführung niedrigschwelliger Begleitung zu Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsangeboten in NRW)
The aim of the nationwide subproject is to help migrants with foreign professional qualifications. Support for voluntary bilingual recognition guides from migrant organizations / communities, receiving full equivalence with a German vocational qualification.
Subprojects' subobjectives are:
- Intercultural opening and competence development (qualification) of migrant organizations for the implementation of low- threshold bilingual accompaniment to e.g. IQ Recognition and Qualification advice.
- Recruitment and coordination of 40-60 bilingual (German / native language) volunteer recognition guides from different migrant organizations / communities in the 16 state labor market regions in NRW (3-5 native languages / region).
- Qualification will enable the recognition facilitators to provide low-level (referral) advice to people with a migrant background on issues related to the recognition of their professional qualifications.
- Regional networking with actors of recognition / qualification and competent bodies in NRW.
- Through their multilingualism and membership in several migrant organizations, the recognition guides can also address those people who are not always reached by the regular counseling and support services.
Period: January 2015 - December 2015
(IQ Netzwerk Teilprojekt: „Interkulturelle Sensibilisierung, Beratung und Begleitung von Arbeitsmarktakteuren in Ostwestfalen-Lippe / Bielefeld“)
The "Integration through Qualification (IQ)" program aimed at a sustainable improvement in the labor market integration of adults with a migrant background. In addition, the program created regional support structures for the implementation of the Recognition Act adopted in April 2012. In addition, it has strengthened the intercultural competence of professionals in regular institutions, linked offers for vocational integration and connected active regional actors in this field. Politically, the work of the IQ support program was flanked by the National Action Plan on Integration (NAP).
Since July 2011, MOZAIK gGmbH has been active in the IQ Network NRW, sub-region Ostwestfalen-Lippe in the area of "Intercultural sensitization, advice and support of labor market actors“. In detail, there are three objectives:
- Intercultural qualification and counseling of relevant labor market actors in the city of Bielefeld and the districts of Paderborn and Lippe
- Initial consultation and service point at the recognition consultation in Bielefeld
- Development of advisory skills for migrant organizations and integration into the regional process chain of labor market integration in Bielefeld
Dipl.- Ing. Cemalettin Özer (Projektleitung)
Telefon: +49 (0) 521 / 329 70 9-0
(Zentrales IQ Modellprojekt der MOZAIK gGmbH: Interkulturelle Arbeitsmarktlotsen aus Migrantenorganisationen in Nordrhein-Westfalen)
The model project was implemented throughout NRW at 11 locations. In addition, 78 labor market guides from migrant organizations were trained and networked. More results of the project can be found here.
Period: 2013 - 2014
(Dokumentation Migranten(dach)organisationen in Deutschland)
An overview of nationally active migrant (umbrella) organizations with information on 32 migrant organizations active as supra-regional umbrella organizations and networks in Germany. Commissioned by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration.
Period: 2011 - 2012
(BMBF-Begleitprojekt: Mit MigrantInnen für MigrantInnen- Interkulturelle Kooperation zur Verbesserung der Bildungsintegration)
A nationwide accompanying project for the support of municipalities and educational institutions in the program "Perspektive Berufsabschluss" for the implementation of the (Inter-) Cultural Mainstreaming-Approach in cooperation with regional migrant organizations. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Period: 2009 - 2012
Event partner for the region Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) of the NRW Migration Talks of the State Agency for Political Education NRW. The "North Rhine-Westphalia Migration Talks" provide a platform for sharing of knowledge about immigration and integration. MOZAIK conducts these discussion events in cooperation with the Office for Integration and Intercultural Affairs of the City of Bielefeld.
Period: 2008 - 2012, 8 events with over 300 participants
(XENOS-Projekt: „owl Interkulturell-Online Magazin für Ausbildung, Qualifizierung und Integration“)
In cooperation with IHK Ostwestfalen, HWK OWL and DGB funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor (BMWA).
Period: 2004
(Projektleitung beim interkulturellen Magazin „owl interkulturell“)
Funded by the Xenos program BMWA in cooperation with Interkulturelle Medien GmbH.
Period: 2003 - 2005
(Teilprojektträger: „MigrantInnen integrieren MigrantInnen“ beim EU-Programm EQUAL)
In cooperation with the development partnership IN.OWL supported by the Bertelsmann Foundation Cooperation partners: AWO Bielefeld, AWO Herford and AWO Gütersloh
Period: 2002 - 2004
(Netzwerkkoordination der BQN Ostwestfalen-Lippe)
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with approx. 30 network partner institutions from OWL.
Period: 2004 - 2006
(Teilprojektträger: „Beratungsnetzwerk Migrantenselbstorganisationen in NRW“)
In the sectoral EU-Program EQUAL-IQ in cooperation with the Development Partnership Pro qualification sponsored by the DGB Bildungswerk Cooperation partner: ZDH, WHKT, DIEN HONG e.V.
Period: 2005 - 2007
(Das Interkulturelle Ausbildungs-Netzwerk Ostwestfalen-Lippe (DIAN OWL))
The project was about initial training support for migrant companies. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Social Fund.
Period: 2007 - 2010